President and Pastor

Brisbane, Australia
January 11, 1984

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:

Enclosed is your receipt for tithes and offerings for the year 1983.

On behalf of Jesus Christ, Head of God's Church and his work, I THANK YOU with all my heart for your faithfulness and liberality. And what a year it was! The Church and work made great strides in itself getting ''back on God's track," and in GIVING and proclaiming Christ's last Gospel message to a dying world in confusion.

Let me give you a partial glimpse into what your generosity and prayers accomplished in this work of God.

-- 59 million PLAIN TRUTH magazines were freely distributed around the world, including home subscription copies and newsstand issues.

-- Nearly two million GOOD NEWS magazines were mailed worldwide.

-- The YOUTH magazine, in its third year of publication, had 1.2 million copies mailed internationally.

-- 4.3 million books, booklets and reprint articles were sent upon request to U.S. subscribers.

-- 1.8 million Correspondence Course lessons were mailed to U.S. students.

-- The "World Tomorrow" program was being aired on 201 U.S. television stations at the end of 1983. New stations opened in Monaco and in the Caribbean Islands, including St. Martin, Trinidad and the Virgin Islands. On January 1, 1984, the program was telecast for the first time in Italy!

-- Our Mail Processing Department in the United States received 3,866,000 letters and 621,000 phone calls. Through these more than one million new names were added to our subscription files. In addition, 196,000 subscribers enrolled in the recently revised Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course.

I am writing you from Australia. On this present trip I first visited New Zealand. There I attended the Summer Educational camp for teenagers, held on an island just offshore from Auckland. There were about 150 teen campers there besides a number of Ambassador College students serving as counselors and camp assistants, and ministers to supervise recreational activities and teach summer classes. Then I spoke on the Sabbath to 768 members at the Auckland church, and on Sunday flew to Wellington where I held a two-hour Bible study with 375 members of the Church. Also 60 bicyclists finished a cross-country cycling tour, composed of 11 college students and five college faculty members with 44 teenagers -- YOU members.

Last night I held a 1 1/2-hour Bible study before 1,020 Church members in Brisbane. Tomorrow I will visit the SEP camp here, where some 300 teenagers are finishing the summer camp. These summer camps are doing a magnificent job of showing teenagers a BETTER way to have fun and study at the same time. The camps are doing much to "turn the hearts of the children to the parents."

I will be preaching to brethren at Melbourne and Perth, then on to Malaysia, then a visit to Thailand, Hong Kong, Tokyo and back to Pasadena.

Again, THANK YOU, sincerely and deeply, for your prayers and help with Christ in his work.

With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

[Coworker Index]